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Food & Nutrition

 At Little Firefiles we believe that eating fresh, healthy food and drinking lots of water is essential for good health and effective development.  

We aim to:

• Discuss healthy eating through story-time and circle time helping children being involved in healthy choices, including preparation of snacks and meals where possible. Growing our own fruit and vegetables and through everyday activities. 
• Create a pleasurable sociable dining experience where teachers also participate.
• Encourage children to eat fresh and healthy foods
Only provide healthy drinks such as milk and water.
• We always ensure high standards of hygiene amongst the children.
Ensure that all messages about nutrition need to be consistent.

School Dinners

School dinners are provided by Zebedees 
Children are encouraged to drink water with their midday meal   


All children are encouraged to participate in the rolling snack routine. Milk or water is on offer at snack time.
A selection of healthy options is offered for snack. These may include fresh fruit, vegetables, cereals, a variety of breads/crackers with butter or cheese, plain yoghurt etc


Children may bring in a cake for their birthdays, but always after a discussion with staff to ensure all dietary requirements are catered for.